الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2016

Important Facts Relating To Colonoscopy Conway AR Patients Should Know

Important Facts Relating To Colonoscopy Conway AR Patients Should Know

by Raymond Mitchell

Among the most important procedures that have to be performed when an individual is diagnosed with a condition affecting the large intestine is colonoscopy. The procedure is performed by inserting a special instrument called a colonoscope through the anal opening and directing through the large intestines. This instrument is fitted with a camera that captures the images in the region and transmits them to a screen. There are several thing on <a target='_blank' href="http://morriltonsurgery.com/">colonoscopy Conway AR</a> patients need to know.

Colonoscopy has helped diagnose varied conditions. The commonest conditions seen are benign and malignant tumors. Others include ulcers (such as those seen in inflammatory bowel disease), enlarged prostate glands (in men) and colonic polyps. The general advice is that any man above 40 years should undergo the procedure for screening purpose every three years. Any person that has unexplained rectal bleeding is another possible candidate.

Apart from being useful in making diagnoses, colonoscopy is also important in therapy. When bleeding ulcers are seen, for instance, sclerosing chemicals can be applied to the region to minimize the bleeding. Another alternative is to use electric current to directly close the bleeding vessels. This is known as cauterization. In cases where tumors are suspected, tissue specimens are obtained and later subjected to examination.

You will need to do a number of things as preparation before undergoing this procedure. One of the most important things to be done is to stop taking any blood thinners. The drugs should preferably be stopped two weeks before the procedure at the very latest. Your levels of platelets and hemoglobin are an important predictor of bleeding risk and should be determined as well. Colon cleanse is another important part of preparation.

Colon cleanse is a procedure that involves the removal of fecal matter from the large intestine and the colon prior to the performance of the procedure. This is done by taking laxative drugs that increase the emptying rate of your gate for two to three days. Newer against that can clean the gut in a matter of hours are now commercially available.

You need to carefully think about your diet as you undergo the process of colon cleanse. The diet should preferably be in liquid form. The most commonly recommended foods are beverages such as tea, gelatin, coffee and clear juices. Colored juices should be avoided due to their ability to stain the mucosal layer of the colon which in turn interferes with the findings.

The colonoscopy procedure typically takes 45 minutes as long as complications do not occur. Light sedation is needed to relieve discomfort and a bit of pain but general anesthesia is not necessary. Taking deep breaths at intervals also goes a long into relieving the discomfort. Wind may be passed as the scope is maneuvered into the intestine. There is no need to be embarrassed.

Patients will typically be allowed home on the same day. 24 hours of observation may be needed if complications set in or if one takes too long to recover from the effects of sedation. Possible complications include bleeding, dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

To undergo <a href="http://morriltonsurgery.com">colonoscopy Conway AR</a> patients should read more about this procedure online. Here is the website that contains further info at http://morriltonsurgery.com.

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